What is Quantum Art? Quantum Art combines quantum technologies, quantum physics and/or quantum inspiration with all sorts of art, be it traditional paintings, algorithmic music or even theater! In particular, in our installation QMoss the design of a plywood installation is based on a numerical simulation of a quantum system! The same numerical simulation gives the base for the installation Weaving of Reality by Noora Archer (Heiskanen).
One of the first quantum artists and the first visual artist to use quantum computing as a functioning artistic medium is Dr. Libby Heaney. Her background is in quantum information sciences and quantum physics, which has given her the excellent ground to build her artistic career starting from quantum art and also exploring artificial intelligence.
Quantum music is music inspired by quantum sciences, using quantum computers or even retrieving data from atoms themselves. Project Quantum Music brings together composers, physicists, acousticians and scholars in music and bioinformatics, from research institutions and cultural centres in Singapore and five European countries.
Team of Professor Roger Miranda has created an algorithm for using quantum computers for algorithmic computer music by taking advantage of the phenomena of quantum superposition and quantum measurement. This creates brings up new melodies and cords for the user!
In 2011 the city or Turku, the former capital of Finland, was named as the cultural capital of Europe. That year filled Turku with performances, exhibitions, music and theater! Quantum Circus was a performance filled with talented acrobatics, fire show and presenting the quantum phenomena.